Ömer Gündüz. In this study, the application of a genetic algorithm for unfolding an experimentally obtained gamma spectrum is presented. Genetic algorithm and Richardson-Lucy deconvolution method is used to obtain detector response function. The proposed method was tested with a Co and Cs spectra obtained with NaI detector. Experimental results show that the proposed method is effective in unfolding measured spectra. The detector response function obtained with the genetic algorithm is comparable to the response function calculated from experimental data. Türkçe Turkish English. Turkish Journal of Nuclear Sciences. Araştırma Makalesi. PDF Kütüphaneme Ekle ×. Araştırma Oluştur Kapat. Kaynakça Jangyong, H. Li, F. Huang, C. Bayesian-based spectral deconvolution with genetic algorithm, Journal of Instrumentation, p. P, Nov. Amadè, N. Morhac, M. High-resolution deconvolution methods for analysis of noisy gammaray spectra, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematicspp. Arcos, J. Gamma-ray spectra deconvolution by maximum-entropy methods, Nuclear lnsttuments and Methods in Physics Research App. Gold, R. Bandzuch, P. Kristiak, T. Study of the Van Cittert and Gold iterative methods of deconvolution and their application in the deconvolution of experimental spectra of positron annihilation, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research App. Richardson, W. Lucy, L. An iterative technique for the rectification of observed distributions, Bgo Casino Review Astronomical Journal, pp. Deconvolution methods and their applications in the analysis of gamma-ray spectra, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, pp. Heath, R. Li, Z. A semi-empirical response function for Gamma-ray of Scintillation detector Bgo Casino Review on physical interaction mechanism. Vitorellia, J. Wang, J. Wang, Peeples, J.
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To the Editor,. [1] titled: The urine foaming test in COVID Diyetisyene başvuran kadınlarda tıkanırcasına yeme bozukluğunun saptanması ve bu durumun hedonik açlık ve obezite ile ilişkisinin incelenmesi amacıyla bu. First, the boat. Great viewing deck. Great Fjord Tour. ÖZ. Amaç: Bu çalışmada, üniversite öğrencilerinin besin alımlarının hedonik açlıkla olan ilişkisinin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. We read with interest the article published by Kurtulmus et al. This boat was extremely comfortable. While the front deck was not. The interior seats were so comfortable.Pets are welcome! Gardner, R. Kliman, J. Eat Behav. The bar and parking are open 24 hours a day, as is the Business Center, which is at your disposal to make your business more comfortable. Amaç: Bu çalışmada, üniversite öğrencilerinin besin alımlarının hedonik açlıkla olan ilişkisinin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Takgbajouah M, Buscemi J. PLoS One. Inhibiting food reward: delay discounting, food reward sensitivity, and palatable food intake in overweight and obese women. In this study, the application of a genetic algorithm for unfolding an experimentally obtained gamma spectrum is presented. A comparative review of approaches to prevent premature convergence in GA, Applied Soft Computing, p. Gündüz Ö 01 Temmuz A method for deconvolution of gamma spectrum by genetic algorithm. Rooms for couples, singles and families of up to 6 people. Asarian L, Geary N. Türkçe Turkish English. Carlevaro, C. Evaluating the Power of Food Scale in obese subjects and a general sample of individuals: development and measurement properties. Applying the developmental model of use disorders to hedonic hunger: a narrative review. J Nutr. Mehrotrac, D. Matousek, V. Aim: This study aims to investigate the relationship between hedonic hunger and food intake among university students. Wang, Peeples, J. Complete positive deconvolution of spectrometric data, Digital Signal Processing 19 , p. Kaynakça Jangyong, H. Ibis Styles Goiânia Marista has the best possible location for a hotel in Goiânia and guarantees the comfort needed for a peaceful stay in the capital of Goiás. Fish, D. Hedonic eating: Sex differences and characterization of orexin activation and signaling. Indian J Psychiatry. Sex differences in the physiology of eating. At ibis Goiânia you will be welcomed with the best of our sympathy and welcome. A total of students who agreed to participate formed the study's sample. Cifuentes L, Acosta A. Psychometric properties of Power of Food Scale in Iranian adult population: gender-related differences in hedonic hunger. Heath, R. Anahtar Kelimeler gamma spectrometry , deconvolution , genetic algorithm.