Living a halal lifestyle relies on a spectrum of edible and non-edible products and services that are indispensable for the survival, well-being and quality of life of mankind as well as to ease and facilitate refinement in all areas of human activities and conduct. The halal concept, which was initially been limited to food and beverage, has become a growing industry — the halal industry —covering various sectors such as tourism and hospitality, finance, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and digital world upon the fast-growing demands of the consumers. Increasingly, individuals who adopt a halal lifestyle request products and services that reflect their beliefs. The halal lifestyle has become a much more substantial topic during the COVID pandemic process that the world has been exposed to with its natural and purpose-of-existence life concept components such as cleanliness and safety standards in line with normal human behavior. Lokman Hekim University, which has found the Halal Product Application and Research Center, has decided to organize the International Halal Congress in Ankara between May in order to contribute to Ömer Gültekin Liman Casino effectiveness of the concept of halal in all areas of the life and to present the most up-to-date developments on the subject. Ankara, the capital of the Republic of Turkiye, bears distinguished traces of the civilizations established in Anatolia in the historical process and has exemplary museums where these traces can be seen. As an outcome of the congress, the main goal is to share the most up-to-date developments regarding the concept of halal, which is indispensable for Muslims in all areas of digitalized world life, and to highlight the academic, ethical, legal, social, and conscientious dimensions of the issue. The session titles planned to be held at the congress have been determined by taking into account the realities of the current world and the most up-to-date and hot discussion agendas. People are very much exposed to these agendas in the digital world. In today's world where globalization and digitalization continue at full speed; It is important for people who have internalized the concept of Halal Ecosystem to continue to be alert at every moment of their daily lives and to be aware of the situations they face. Individuals who opted living a lifestyle are experiencing a process in which this awareness will definitely come to the fore one day. Our congress meets the criteria of the Associate Professorship Application and Academic Incentive System with its international dimension. In the final declaration of our congress, we believe that the most up-to-date content on the concept of halal to be presented in the sessions will provide basic messages for individuals who have chosen living a halal lifestyle in the digital world, and will be an important data set in creating a roadmap that can be followed. Scientific Secretariat. Can TÜRK: [email protected]. Organization Secretariat. Hasan Tahsin ŞEN: [email protected]. Honorary Board. Organizing Committee By Family Name. Hamzah Mohd. Scientific Advisory Board. Faculty of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry. Katılım Finans Kefalet A. General Manager. Traceability in Halal Products and Services. Halal Earnings Awareness-Sensitivity. Current Developments in the Halal Ecosystem. The concept of Halal, which was initially limited to the food industry, has become a growing industry in all areas of life such as tourism, finance, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and the digital world in line with the demand of the consumer. Lokman Hekim University, which has found the Halal Product Application and Research Center, has decided to organize the International Halal Congress in Ankara, the capital of the Republic of Türkiye between Ömer Gültekin Liman Casino in order to contribute to the effectiveness of the concept of halal in all areas of life and to present the most up-to-date developments on the subject. In the program, there will be scientific presentations on the first two days, and social program will be organized for the historical and cultural places of Ankara on the third day. Several scientists from different countries of the world, each of whom is an authority in their field and internationally recognized, will have presentations at the congress. In addition, oral and poster presentations will be accepted within the framework of the topics indicated hereby. Companies will be offered the opportunity to open stands at the congress. In addition, sponsorship will be received from companies upon their desire. You can visit our website to get information about opening a stand, sponsorship, and to Ömer Gültekin Liman Casino for having oral or poster presentations. In the final declaration of our congress, we believe that the most up-to-date content on the concept of halal to be presented in the sessions will provide basic messages for individuals who adopt a halal lifestyle, and will be an important Ömer Gültekin Liman Casino set in creating a roadmap that can be followed Ömer Gültekin Liman Casino human being. Auditor: Attendees will receive a name badge, a certificate of participation, and refreshments during coffee breaks for two days. Click here to register. Presenter: Individuals presenting either oral or poster presentations at the congress. Participants will receive a name badge, a certificate of participation, lunch for two days, and refreshments during coffee breaks for two days. Undergraduate and Graduate Student Participant: Graduate students presenting either oral or poster presentations at the congress. These participants will receive a name badge, a certificate of participation, lunch for two days, and refreshments during coffee breaks for two days. Invited Speaker: Invited speakers will receive a name badge, a certificate of participation, lunch for two days, and refreshments during coffee breaks for two days. There is no participation fee for invited speakers.
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