Complex Distances and Complex AnglesE. WONG, and S. Mirakhmedov and O. Abortion due to Streptococcus equi subspecies zooepidemicus in a MareA. Abrolophus balkanicus sp. Hamdi MUZ. Accessory tongue and other Congenital Malformations in a Calfİ. Inoculated with Some Biotic ElicitorsA. A cellulase-free, thermoactive, and alkali xylanase production by terrestrial Streptomyces sp. A CGH array study in Paulson Clay Poker Chip Sets primary autism patients: deletions on16p Achene micromorphology of the genus Potentilla L. Achene morphology of the genus Cota J. Achillea salicifolia Besser subsp. A comparative phylotyping analysis of E. A comparative study of physicochemical properties, antioxidant and enzyme inhibitionactivities of oils extracted from seeds of seven new sunflower Helianthus annuus L. A comparative study of taxonomy, physicochemical parameters, and chemical constituents of Ganoderma lucidum and G. A comparative study on handwritten Bangla character recognitionMD. A comparative study on plant morphology, gas exchange parameters, and antioxidant response of Ocimum basilicum L. A Comparative Study on Pleurotus ostreatus Jacq. DIBI, and M. A conspectus of Scorzonera s. A contribution to the biogeography and taxonomy of two Anatolian mountain brooknewts, Neurergus barani and N. A contribution to the genus Allium L. A contribution to the kleptoparasitic bees of Turkey: Part I. A contribution to the taxonomy of Zoegea Asteraceae, Cardueae? Batur and C. Cem ErgülC. Acylated Flavone Glycosides from Veronica pectinata var. Adaptive hysteresis band control for constant switching frequency in DTC induction machine drivesH. Additional gastric resection after one anastomosis gastric bypass-are there benefits? Additional Records of Hieracium L. Additional Records of Raphanus L. Addition of molasses, corn steep liquor, and rice polish as economical sources to enhance the fungal biomass production of wheat straw by Arachniotus sp. A descriptive study of some Trifolium L. A detour in de Sitter space while calculating vacuum fluctuatinsM. Adrenergic and cholinergic responses of the tracheal smooth muscle is enhanced during Paulson Clay Poker Chip Sets phase in ratM. Advances to the taxonomic knowledge of Plantago subulata Plantago sect.
Bu nedenle, çerçeveli bir dolap daha sağlam görünse de, bu dolapların kurulumunu hiçbir şekilde olumsuz etkilemeyecektir. This study contributes to more efficient use of space and spatial comfort thanks to the development of units for the disabled. In this study, an analysis will be made of these new furniture and fittings integrated into the building. The principles of "Safety" and "Functionality", which are requirements of spatial design, are also the basic criteria in the design of children's playgrounds and equipment, and it is inevitable to establish standards in this regard. One of the most effective components of urban identity is physical space. Simplicity and objectivity come to the forefront in this movement, which finds expression mostly in modern art and music.
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